Thursday, November 12, 2009

Managing Your Business - HOW Magazine

This is an illustration I did for HOW magazine for their business column titled "Be A Smarter Manager". For designers who runs their own business, managing employee issues is among the biggest problems they deal with. Various mistakes owners range from doing everything themselves to not communicating well with their staff. These are the concept roughs I submitted.

After the "chess" concept was chosen I worked up a final sketch.

Vector stage.

And then to the final piece. Click images to enlarge.


  1. I LOVE the new blog. Its great to see your process from roughs to final. you are now in my google reader.

  2. beautiful and I love all the concepts :)

  3. The analogy between a chess game and effective human resource management is brilliant! In the long run, managing a business is all about effectively using all available resources to achieve a common goal. I love the artwork too!

    Jamie Shellman
